Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Summertime...and the party is ON!

Sitting here - trying to find the perfect waterslides of this coming season of fun here in sunny Sarasota!  If you have kids with birthdays in the summer, you know that water is a mandatory!  Pool party - dunk tank - waterslide or slip and slide party (or both!) - water balloons - you NAME it!

I love the following game (courtesy of Livestong) - would work great with the Dalmation bouncehouse!!

Fire Engines

"Fire engines" is a relay game that requires children to hold onto as much of their water as possible. To begin the game, you will need to form two teams and have each team line up in their own single file line. Place a large bucket full of water several feet away from the head of each line and provide each player with a smaller bucket. Use the same size bucket for each player to encourage fairness. The first player from each team runs to the bucket, fills their bucket, runs around their team's line, and then runs back to the bucket and dumps their water back inside. Each player follows suit and the winning team is the one with the most amount of water in their bucket at the end.

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/164282-childrens-water-party-games/#ixzz2MgcUML1I

Well, I've got to get back to my waterslide shopping.  Wish me luck - I wish you luck on YOUR party planning! 

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